
Businesses now have to take new and unique approaches to SEO to win the never-ending game in SERPs. Many bootstrap companies and blogs build their entire business from the beginning off of organic search. While this may be risky, it still is a sign that organic search is alive and well. The are 45+ WordPress SEO tips suggested by Brian Jackson to help skyrocket your traffic.

  •  www vs non-www Domain
  • Install a WordPress SEO Plugin
  • Setup Friendly Permalinks
  • Always Use a Focus Keyword
  • Importance of Title Tags
  • Increase CTR with Meta Descriptions
  • Header Tags – H1, H2, H3
  • Content is King (Word Count)
  • Use Short URLs
  • Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console
  • Force Crawl for Faster Indexing
  • Build Backlinks

And many more tips read in Brian Jackson Blog.

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